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Joe Zobkiw has another book coming out, this one on OS X plugins: services, status items, color pickers, screen savers and more. If it's anwhere near as good as his previous book, it will be one to buy.

I had a productive weekend: made more progress on a proposal for combining the last two stages of my thesis work, spent some time working on adapting Omni's OACalendarView for Pester 1.1, and went to a party last night. This morning I woke up feeling terrible, disoriented and feverish. I've spent most of the day lying in bed shivering, trying to read papers since my mind wasn't good for much else, and unfortunately missed a special meeting with my advisor. Just got dragged out to dinner, and I'm feeling a bit better now, hopefully well enough to go to Kuk Sool tonight.

appswitch 1.0b2 has a few minor fixes and revised man page; don't bother downloading it unless you had a problem with 1.0b1. As there doesn't seem to be an easy fix to the -F option problem (CPS calls are asynchronous), I've implemented a delay workaround which should work most of the time. If not, just replace appswitch -SF with appswitch -S; sleep 2; appswitch -F, replacing 2 with a larger number if needed—however long it takes for the applications to be shown. I guess I could poll CPSGetHiddenProcessCount until it decrements (show one), reaches 0 or stops changing (show all), but it's really a hack, and I'm not sure if there's any external interest in appswitch anyway.

appswitch 1.0b1 released, with new features including “hide others”, “show all”, application kill, and a ps-like application list which should look familiar to MacsBug users:

% appswitch -l
       PSN   PID TYPE CREA NAME                 PATH
  131073.0   359 APPL lgnw loginwindow          /System/Library/CoreSe
  393217.0   404 APPL T$2c Timbuktu Extension   /Users/nicholas/Applic
  524289.0   408 APPL dock Dock                 /System/Library/CoreSe
  655361.0   409 APPL syui SystemUIServer       /System/Library/CoreSe

Also included are a man page (my first; a launch man page will be forthcoming), readme, and of course the source code.

Jon Rentsch's weblog has been up and running for a few weeks—if you're into WebObjects or Mac development, you'll want to check it out. He wrote (in WebObjects) the weblog software he uses, and has released a lot of code to the community, including a neat Objective-C to C++ exception bridge which he mentioned a few weeks ago.

I've moved the last of my personal web materials off the university's network, so I can finally say goodbye to the ugly URLs. Say hi to, an old PC running Debian and Apache 2. Certain URLs will redirect to, which is hamton. The process went reasonably smoothly, not counting the first hard drive which died immediately after I finished copying everything to it, or the four hours I wasted figuring out Apache's bizarre virtual host syntax or lack of error messages when I included ScriptAlias but had not enabled mod_cgi. Still need to check that my RSS feeds are properly being upstreamed by WebDAV, and set up backups, but it's a great improvement.

ICeCoffEE 1.3.1 released: changes resolve conflicts with speech recognition, Xounds, and non-foreground applications. The application popup menu is now sorted by name. If you're using 1.3, please upgrade.

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