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Richard Shindell is on the FolkScene broadcast this week. His singing brings me almost to tears at times. Eric asked for some links to streaming radio and artists I like, so here's the first. Doc Searls includes a lot of good links as well: I listen to most of them. Sad to see that SomaFM is gone: it accounted for a good 25% of the streams in my playlist. Follow the SomaFM link if you want to do something about this travesty.

Forgot to mention that I saw Louis Gerbarg using Radio at MacHack. He's upstreaming to PyCS, and his weblog is here.

Radio was performing abysmally on his iBook: I'm not quite sure why. It works acceptably on my dual G4/533: bringing up the aggregator is 3 seconds, my posting page is 2 seconds. One hint is that Radio was reporting a background usage of 15 threads. My copy of Radio currently shows only six threads. Louis, if you're reading this, please post on the DG: something is wrong and the helpful folks there should be able to troubleshoot it for you.

Another problem Louis showed me, which I couldn't resolve in the few minutes I had, was .opml files in his gems folder which were rendered regardless of the flRender preference being set to false. How do you debug the page rendering process in Radio? I know how to do it in Frontier's website framework, and to a lesser extent in Manila, but Radio has many additional layers…

Posted some VIMim screenshots. The code, such as it is, is on the MacHack CD. It doesn't work very well, to say the least.

Found another Radio user at MacHack, Mike Cohen.

Our hack was VIMim, embedding VIM as an input method into Mac OS X. We finished it about 3:00 this morning…

Radio users find each other: Ryan Wilcox saw me using Radio at MacHack and said hi. He's got some notes on last night's keynote, done with Dave's slide show tool.

Well, Tim O'Reilly did show up, to bagpipe accompaniment. I might have to do something about this :-)

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