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NCIDpop 0.9.14

The OS X version of the NCIDpop network caller ID client, originally written by Alexei Kosut, has not seen much development in a while, and had fallen behind the Windows version. In August I added a call history window, network change robustness, localized date formatting and reverse lookup support. NCID’s maintainer has been pretty busy, but he’s now integrated the changes in the official release.

NCIDpop history

And if you’re wondering “why use NCID when I already have caller ID?” If you have SIP service (e.g., Vonage) at home, NCID gives you caller ID on the first ring on every computer display in the place. Since I get pretty frequent calls from people I don’t want to talk to, such as Spanish-speaking bill collectors who won’t take no for an answer, it’s been a great help in reducing my stress when the phone rings.

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