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Archipelago 2.0

Daniel Berlinger released Archipelago 2.0 today. So far, so good. It connected immediately to Radio running on the local machine, and it's extremely responsive compared to Radio's Web interface. So nice to write in a real desktop app instead of a text field inside a Web browser. I'll definitely be doing my writing in Archipelago from now on—unless something better comes along.

On OS X there are a large number of cosmetic anomalies, but the functionality works, and that's a good thing. Archipelago doesn't let you create a post with an empty title, and if your weblog doesn't use titles like mine does, that's a bad thing. If I try to remove the title, I end up with a period at the beginning of the post. Boo.

Is there no way from the MetaWeblog or Radio APIs to get a list of posts? I went through a lot of trial and error to figure out that my last weblog post was number 529.

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