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This week's MWJ includes a reference to Julio Ojeda-Zapata's Jaguar Journal. It's a mini-Weblog covering the Pioneer Press technology writer's exploits with Jaguar. Unlike most such journals I've read, which often do more to demonstrate the writer's ignorance and snap judgments than anything else, this one is filled with useful information, plentiful links, and reader responses.

The material on Bluetooth was most interesting—while Jaguar is Apple's second effort in Bluetooth support, the phones' software still appears stuck firmly at 1.0. Price aside, I won't be getting a Bluetooth-capable phone any time soon.

The only seeming inaccuracy I noted was a claim that Jaguar's built-in Internet connection sharing doesn't support sharing modem connections. I had no problem doing just that last week in New Hampshire, so I emailed the author, and was astonished to receive two replies within a few minutes. Ojeda-Zapata was able to get it working: you can read my email on the subject in the ninth installment of “Jaguar Journal”.

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