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Michael McCracken: BibDesk: A BibTeX bibliography manager for Mac OS X. He's in a similar research area to mine: I recognize and have read about 99% of the papers I see as examples in his screenshots.

Why you should take a Mac user to lunch: Some errors, but overall clear thinking. I had no idea Windows server licensing costs were so high.

Secret is a password database for the Palm. No sync support with the Mac (yet), but the Palm interface looks loads better than PasswordWallet (what I currently use).

More fun with Subversion, after recovering carefully from the repository corruption. In addition to the standard HTML output mode there's also an XML+XSLT+CSS one. Here's the relevant portion of my httpd.conf:

<Location /repos/dev>
		DAV svn
		SVNPath /var/svn/repos/dev
		SVNReposName " development"
				Require valid-user
		AuthType Basic
		AuthName " Subversion repository"
		AuthUserFile /var/svn/users
<Location /repos/dev-xml>
		DAV svn
		SVNPath /var/svn/repos/dev
		SVNReposName " development (XML)"
		SVNIndexXSLT /svnindex.xsl
				Deny from all

This is something everyone else probably knows, but after the nth time forgetting to bring the plug for my TiBook's AC adapter (of the square variety), I noticed that the plug is exactly the same shape as a standard laptop two-prong power connector, plugged in the extra one I had here from the power adapter for my digital camera, and it worked! So, if you leave the plug or power cable somewhere, just use any old cable instead: it won't look as nice, but it certainly works.

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