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Wow, another Mozilla feature I've never heard of. Try pressing F7.

Someone really needs to compile a list of “cool things you can do with Mozilla”. So many of the most powerful and useful features, such as auto-fill, tabbed browsing, keywords, caret browsing mode, … are completely invisible to the user.

Since Radio 8.0.8 makes it so easy, I've posted a list of the RSS feeds I subscribe to. If you have any suggestions, let me know, I'm always looking for better ones.

Seth Dilligham's RSS feed includes a linked stylesheet. If you're using a browser that supports styling XML with CSS (Mozilla and Internet Explorer on Mac/Windows both work adequately for the task), you'll see a nicely formatted list instead of the raw XML. Nice touch.

When perusing my referers, I found a link to ICeCoffEE from January that I hadn't seen before. Thanks, I'm glad the work I put into its installer was appreciated. I really need to clean up ICeCoffEE's support at some point, perhaps this weekend. Right now, I'll get back to preparing for tomorrow's teleconference with my advisor, who is on a much-needed vacation.

Jamie Zawinski holds a debate with himself on the merits of webcasting live shows at the DNA Lounge. It's a very different proposition from Internet radio in general. The argument with the green background convinced me that he should stop doing it, if it's costing $20k/year to serve 20 simultaneous listeners. They're certainly not paying him $1000 each, nor should they do so. jwz didn't include a breakdown of the licensing versus bandwidth costs, but my gut feeling is that it's mostly bandwidth. The technical solution is improved (cheaper) distribution mechanisms for the live and archived shows. If licensing costs came to dominate—as they would have if CARP had been approved—there'd be little motivation to work on the efficiency and cost of distribution.

Eric Albert, who I first encountered through his frequent and helpful posts on Apple's java-dev mailing list, has a weblog now. (Sorry for not responding to your email earlier!)

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