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Adam Curry has some things to say today that really resonate with me. "I remember 1993, trying to explain to MTV that the net was going to happen, they didn't believe me, had their own initiatives. Look at the 'official' MTV, then look at my mtv. I like mine better. Its honest, no smoke, no mirrors. Of course I don't have JLo either, but I'll get over it." I don't mind the compromise!

Early this morning I was walking home in the fresh snow, listening to an hour of KPIG I had recorded on my MP3 player. Most of the music I hadn't heard before, or even the fake commercials, but I was singing along because it was good, and I was really happy, exhausted, going home, thinking about what I was going to do tomorrow.

And the RIAA would have me deprived of free (or listener-supported) Internet radio because it wouldn't be possible for the big guys to squeeze everyone else out and feed everyone a steady diet of repetitive drivel. An ignorant consumer is a willing customer, anyone else is a criminal... or something, the way society seems to be evolving.

sample WebDAV post

Finally finished writing Multi-Status parsing code and sent off an alpha of the WebDAV upstream driver to one lucky contestant.

I need some snack food I can eat at the computer and not make a mess. I am forever picking crumbs out of my keyboard and its tray as I eat granola bars. At least, now I primarily drink water during the day, there aren't issues with sticky things stuck in the keyboard. Suggestions?

And after the previous post, I've been getting lots of great work done. Guess I should complain about not being able to work on here more often—erm, no, probably not, I'll lose a reader and cut my audience in half. :-)

I've been completely unable to focus on work all day. This is really annoying. Keep trying, I guess…

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