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Macros fixed and ALT text working. The problem was the weird
dichotomy in UserTalk's named parameter syntax. You declare a default
value by “name=value”, but you call it with “name: value”. Python
uses “name=value” for both. In some ways Frontier's method makes
sense, you're doing something different in each case, assigning to the
variable in the first and using the variable name as an identifier in
the second, but this never fails to catch me. It was worse when I was
programming in Python and UserTalk both on a daily basis.

Speaking of Emacs, it seems Radio is none too happy if you create two
files with the same name but different extensions. This has caught me
twice in the last day, once last night when I named a file “.old” and
wondered why the template didn't update, and once just then when Radio
preferred the file ending with a “~” (another type of Emacs backup
file; the ## one is from automatic saving). Blargh, should report
bug. I hope it gets some more attention than my previous text file
bug (which would have been astonishingly trivial to fix, like 30
seconds, but… oh well.)

Turns out Bill
has written about this too. Thanks for the email, Bill.

Well, in an astonishing feat of brilliance, I broke all the macros.
That teaches me to run Emacs on Radio.root in order to find what I
want. Blah.

Also, a w3m bug, I'm using XEmacs to write this, it doesn't convert ^M
into ^J before passing a text area to an external editor. (or should
Radio be doing this, using net-standard line endings? Hmm.)

It's been two days since I exercised, and boy am I feeling it. Note
to self: don't forget, ever, no matter (almost) what. Do it when you
get home from school if needed.

Wish I was still going to Kuk
, but I'm sufficiently behind that will have to start again
next semester. OTOH, I will start going to the gym this week in
addition to my home exercise.

I was going to edit my Radio template remotely to fix an ALT tag, so I
cd'd into the 'www' directory and typed 'ls':

#cascadingStyleSheet.css     #navigatorLinks.xml  WebDAV/          images/               stories/
#dayTemplate.txt             #prefs.txt           customBlogPost/  index.txt             system/
#desktopWebsiteTemplate.txt  #template.txt        customLinks/     manilaBloggerBridge/  whoIs/
#homeTemplate.txt            #upstream.xml        directory.opml   myPictures/
#itemTemplate.txt            2002/                gems/            rss.xml

So, my first thought was “hey, what's up with all those backup files?”
Emacs saves files with the format #filename#, and my first inclination
was to delete them.

Really, really fixed the bug with spacing in the header; it had to do with extraneous spacing in the HTML source. I tested on Mozilla 0.9.8, IE 5.1 for Mac, and IE 5.5/6 for Windows. It even degrades well in OmniWeb.

This would have been faster if Radio didn't decide that it can't find “template” every once in a while and force me to restart it like it's been doing.

Needless to say, I didn't get much work done on WebDAV. Maybe later.

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