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Dictation buffer updates

...ices and command line tools. This involves using the Windows clipboard as there's no way via COM to extract RTF (or anything but text or XML) from Word on Windows. Right now, I only return either RTF or plain text, not both, based on whether you have styled your Word document at all; primarily this is so that all your Mac apps don't end up with unwanted 11 point Calibri text. Figuring out whether a Word document is styled was actually quite diffic...

…;` Since I guess there's no folder open if you open Mutt to compose a message, it may be that even a completely generic folder hook never is evaluated. Thanks for the great suggestions (in the comments section and by email) on a replacmeent bag. I figured out how to hook up the shoulder strap somewhere else for a temporary solution, but I'll be buying one next week and will let you know how it goes. Certain viewers may find it interestin…

...ent's leaving UserLand. Wow. For some reason my first reaction was to laugh. I think of the line he wrote a while ago, regarding his jobs: "busboy busboy busboy busboy UserLand". Brent, I have a tremendous amount of respect for you; working at a small company on products people feel strongly about, always with far more work to do than the time exists, yet still living life and enjoying it. I only wish I had the same abilities—I always struggl...

…Tried to get my OPML coffee mug working through the new IM-based notification system. No luck. Back to work, meeting in the morning……

Do not use adhesive labels on recordable CDs

…s from 2002 to try, but I don’t have much confidence in my luck with them. If you’re looking to salvage what you can off CDs with adhesive labels, I recommend using Retrospect’s Duplicate option—Retrospect constructs a catalog of the disk first, then tries to read each file in turn, so as long as the catalog is readable, it will do a good (though time-consuming) job. The most recent CD I tried took five hours to read, and I managed to get all but…

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