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Dictation buffer updates

...ere’s how it looks in practice: An even more minimal dictation surface With some more Word macro work, I’m able to use Word’s full-screen mode rather than auto-hiding the ribbon. Now the only vestige of an operating system and full-featured word processor behind my dictation buffer is a vertical scrollbar (which I could disable if I really wanted) and a couple of pixels at the bottom of the screen where the autohidden taskbar lives. For Word’s ful...

Google Reader replacements: broken feed handling

…a broken feed, it also provides a search interface with some great suggestions. Feed Wrangler is acceptable; The Old Reader less so, and Feedly not at all. Canned Platypus, now Platypus Reloaded, Jeff Darcy’s blog The URL for this feed was At various times this was a broken redirect to, which currently returns 404 Not Found. The Old Reader followed the broken…

Emacs activation script, take 3

About a year ago I posted an Emacs launching script which would, if Emacs were already running, use emacsclient to open a file and AppleScript to bring Emacs to the front. It works well and I use it every day, but the AppleScript activating part is very slow. I usually end up just clicking on Emacs' dock icon instead of waiting for it to finish. After a bit of hacking, instead of: osascript -e 'tell application “Emacs” to activate'…

…h (the other was Aldus Persuasion, also no longer available). In Mr. Stacey's English class, a fellow PowerBook user and acquaintance sat next to me, and took notes with MORE. He did continually point out how much better it was than Acta, but in my arrogance I didn't notice. I was far more interested in playing with PBTools and defining keystrokes to maximize my battery life by spinning down the hard disk at regular intervals. So, Channi…

…b server, instead of redirecting to Stage two is to replace all the internal links to, stage three is to write an upstream driver that replaces each file on with a redirect page pointing to the corresponding resource on, and stage four is turning off upstreaming to UserLand. At least this way I can be sure that my Weblog updates without fuss. Of the last 18 upstreaming attempts in…

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