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Dictation buffer updates

...because each paragraph gets its own run), and I end up doing it by rudimentary parsing of the document's XML looking for character and paragraph styles. pbpaste -Prefer rtf is broken at least in 10.10, so I also implement some direct Mac clipboard setting support for RTF only. Another video I’m working on another video to demonstrate these changes; I’ll re-record it when I get a chance. Plans for the future In no particular order, some further im...

Google Reader replacements: broken feed handling

…king “Fetch Feed From Website”, as recommended, causes the feed to correctly change to, though I repeatedly saw hangs when clicking “Retry Fetching and Parsing”. Feed Wrangler did the right thing automatically; in addition, its combination of old and new feeds is exemplary. NewsBlur has a pretty good solution, though it requires manual intervention, exhibited some flakiness and necessitated the folder be…

Emacs activation script, take 3

About a year ago I posted an Emacs launching script which would, if Emacs were already running, use emacsclient to open a file and AppleScript to bring Emacs to the front. It works well and I use it every day, but the AppleScript activating part is very slow. I usually end up just clicking on Emacs' dock icon instead of waiting for it to finish. After a bit of hacking, instead of: osascript -e 'tell application “Emacs” to activate'…

…. I try to double-click it, the attachment icon becomes disabled. Try to drag again, nothing. Try to double-click again, it displays a dialog box to the effect that the attachment has been moved and can't be found. PowerMail goes into the trash, and on to… – Mulberry. The installed folder was a little strange, with about 10 icons stacked on top of one another, but that might be an OS X bug. I start it up, click “Agree” to the license agreemen…

…, stage three is to write an upstream driver that replaces each file on with a redirect page pointing to the corresponding resource on, and stage four is turning off upstreaming to UserLand. At least this way I can be sure that my Weblog updates without fuss. Of the last 18 upstreaming attempts in my events log, 12 of them failed. That's unacceptable. I hope UserLand's able to fix this appar…

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