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This is something everyone else probably knows, but after the nth time forgetting to bring the plug for my TiBook's AC adapter (of the square variety), I noticed that the plug is exactly the same shape as a standard laptop two-prong power connector, plugged in the extra one I had here from the power adapter for my digital camera, and it worked! So, if you leave the plug or power cable somewhere, just use any old cable instead: it won't look as nice, but it certainly works.

F-Script Anywhere 1.1.3 released, with further enhancements to the “Associate With Interface” command: a targeting cursor displayed during capture, support for capturing menu item selection, and information associated with a view or window:

Subversion alpha release was today. I've been getting some crashes traceable to Berkeley DB, and unfortunately they've started corrupting my repository. I think this may be an OS X-specific problem, so I'll try to move the repository to Linux, and if that doesn't help, back to CVS for me, and I'll come back to Subversion around beta time.

More interesting discoveries from my referers: Lola, deric's weblog, Industrie Toulouse.

I've been posting weblog entries but they haven't been showing up because is deciding not to accept my requests. I need to switch to PyCS some time soon, so I can upload somewhere else yet not lose referer tracking and other useful features of the Radio Community Server.

The Subversion bug I ran into earlier has been fixed, and now I've succesfully imported the source for three of my projects.

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