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Trying to finish a lot of work by Thanksgiving break, so I haven't had much time to blog. Yesterday I took a break from work and made a bunch of improvements to Pester's alarm list.

Version 1.1 is getting there. Repeating alarms, archiving to disk and a possible interface overhaul of the “Set Alarm” window (people are complaining it's too cluttered with all the alert options, and I agree) still remain.

Why, after three major releases and multiple years of development, is the OS X Finder so slow, buggy and painful to use? The problems I had regularly with OS 9's Finder I could count on one hand. I would really like to be sympathetic, but when basic tasks such as moving files give you messages like this…

I identified 7 major problems with the above message and its containing window. Guesses?

Pester 1.1 alpha 2 released to testers. Alpha 1 was a very short-lived one, which went to one user who promptly found a serious problem (NSScanner bug) on Mac OS X 10.2.

The good news is I think I've finally fixed all the localized date and time format bugs. The bad news is that it took most of a day's work to do so. I really need to file those bugs.

Apple's new laptop hardware is very impressive. If I hadn't just bought a PowerBook five months ago, I'd certainly get one of these! Radeon 9000, SuperDrive, though still no Bluetooth (and who can blame them, the demand for Bluetooth is still pretty low). With the 5-hour-capable batteries they've got right now, and the MPC7457 processors coming out next year with faster clock rates and significantly reduced power consumption, the coming PowerBook G4s' battery life will be rather nice.

Adam Curry has got a Java applet doing WYSIWYG editing on the Mac. Nice!

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