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My first x86 box

I bought my first x86 box on Thursday—not what you might have expected, but a Soekris net4801 which currently runs m0n0wall off the 8 MB CompactFlash card that came with my Coolpix 950. (Who said those bundled cards are useless?)

My first x86 box

Steve moved out last week and is now in California, so I needed to replace the OpenBSD box he provided as a router/firewall/VPN server. The Soekris box is working wonderfully so far, and m0n0wall is a work of art—imagine Trac’s capability and elegance for Web-managed SOHO router boxes, in a 6 MB on-disk footprint. The only features I miss are non-server-mode OpenVPN (m0n0wall supports PPTP and IPSEC as well) and being able to address the WAN IP directly from inside (though m0n0wall provides some simple DNS-based workarounds).

My parents are visiting for a few days starting Friday. We’ll be doing lots of maintenance on my condo: repairing and painting walls, fixing kitchen stuff, and so forth. I’ll be upgrading my mom‘s PowerBook to Tiger, getting their backup system set up, and sending them back with a m0n0wall CD for hamton.

I’ve been borrowing an original AirPort base station from ACM for a while, after my Zoom AP gave out. The Soekris box has free PCI and MiniPCI slots I could use for a wireless card, but FreeBSD 4.11 (on which m0n0wall is based) doesn’t support 802.11g and my parents have a spare AirPort Express, with which I can finally replace the ugly, lossy, multi-step process I was using for getting audio to my stereo.

And now back to revising my paper…

Off to ISCA; new iBook

While everyone else seems to be going to WWDC, I’m off to ISCA in Madison. Back on Wednesday; responses to email and so forth may be a bit delayed while I’m away.

Since I figure Apple’s not going to be releasing dual-core G4 or higher-resolution 15″ PowerBook LCDs any time soon (may I be proven wrong at WWDC :), I sold my TiBook G4/800 and bought an iBook G4 12″. Aside from some initial fun getting additional memory to work, it’s been great. I ordered a replacement 60 GB 7200 RPM drive for it, but everywhere has it backordered, and I am not looking forward to taking the whole thing apart to swap drives.

Things I miss so far: extra screen space, more evenly backlit LCD, the PC card slot for getting photos from my camera, and a decent space between the bottom of the keyboard and the top of the trackpad (couldn’t Apple have shrunk the button a bit and moved everything down?). Things I really like: small size and weight, durability, scrolling trackpad, ports on the side, better and faster AirPort reception, and continued realistic 5-hour battery life.

ICeCoffEE 1.4.2 released

ICeCoffEE 1.4.2 functions almost completely on Tiger—you don’t see service keyboard equivalents in the Select Services sheet, since I can no longer extract them from the menu. (There’s a SPI that can get me what I want, though not in a convenient format, and I don’t want to have to use it, but probably will do so eventually.)

Full change list:

  • Updated to Application Enhancer (APE) 1.5: “APE Manager” System Preferences pane is now “Application Enhancer”, among other changes
  • Updated to fancy new Unsanity Installer 3.5
  • Improved URL parsing (for example, now require the first character of a URL to be alphanumeric)
  • Revised documentation to reflect supported Mac OS X versions and bug fixes
  • Restored selectable contextual menu and menu bar Services in Mac OS X 10.4
  • Resolved incompatibility with Cocoa text discontiguous selection in Mac OS X 10.4: URL launching is slightly delayed to ensure your ⌘-click is not followed by another click
  • Removed keyboard equivalents from contextual Services menu (that they’re present in Terminal is a violation of Apple Human Interface Guidelines)
  • Eliminated unsightly “*** Assertion failure in ICCF_LaunchURL()” console message when no item is chosen from the ⌥⌘-click menu
  • Fixed missing URL highlight while the ⌥⌘-click menu is displayed in Safari
  • Restored French localization (missing in 1.4.1)
  • Requires Mac OS X 10.3.9 or later

Enjoy! Next up (barring any serious bugs the beta testers didn’t catch) is a F-Script Anywhere update.

ICeCoffEE and discontiguous selection on Tiger

Tonight I’ve been tackling the conflict between discontiguous selection in Tiger’s Cocoa text system and ICeCoffEE. I initially thought it would be a primarily technical problem to fix, but it turns out to be much more interesting.

For those of you who haven’t discovered it, discontiguous selection can be pretty useful. If you’re using Tiger, feel free to follow along, but if you’ve got ICeCoffEE installed, temporarily uncheck “⌘-click to open URLs and email addresses” in ICeCoffEE settings, under the Modules tab of the Application Enhancer System Preferences pane.

If you’re not using Tiger, open Nisus Writer Express or grab a demo of 2.1.3. Nisus has implemented discontiguous selection in its word processors for quite a while. (I seem to remember Microsoft Word 2004 does it, too, but I don’t have a copy to check.)

Open TextEdit (or Nisus Writer Express). Type a few words of nonsense, say “foo bar baz”. When you double-click “foo”, it selects the word, so you should see “foo bar baz” (in your preferred highlight color :). Now, hold down the Command (⌘) key, and double-click on “baz”. The selection should now be “foo bar baz”.

Nisus Writer Express (NWX) and Cocoa’s behaviors differ somewhat. Discontiguous selection in NWX is additive, whereas in Cocoa, it inverts. If you Command-double-click on “foo” again, NWX will leave “foo bar baz” selected, while TextEdit will show “foo bar baz”. I much prefer Cocoa’s selection inversion, as it allows you to undo one of a series of selection components without having to start over, and matches the established behavior of the Command modifier in lists.

So what does this all have to do with ICeCoffEE? With the introduction of discontiguous selections and their use of the Command key in text views, there is now a difference between a Command-click and a regular click, and a Command-drag and a regular drag within text, where before there was none.

With ICeCoffEE 1.4.1 enabled, the first click you make with the Command key held down tries to open a URL surrounding the place you clicked. What can I do to make ICeCoffEE work yet preserve the ability to select discontiguous regions? Let’s ignore the possibility that I could change ICeCoffEE’s invocation mechanism fundamentally—say, by adding Control to all the modifier combinations.

The easy case, where it’s obvious what to do—but ICeCoffEE 1.4.1 doesn’t—is when you drag the mouse with the Command key held down. Dragging means moving the mouse substantially, which I define as 4 pixels horizontally or vertically. Whether this drag serves to extend the selection or initiate a drag and drop operation is immaterial; ICeCoffEE should stay out of the way regardless.

If you’ve already got a discontiguous selection (or any selection at all), ICeCoffEE could also do nothing, allowing you to Command-double-click to your heart’s content. There are at least two problems with that, though:

  1. In a future version of ICeCoffEE, I plan to add support for opening a URL consisting of the selected text, if you Command-click somewhere within it. Currently, if you try that, ICeCoffEE does its usual thing of creating a selection starting where you clicked, and ignores the current selection. To change this behavior, then change back later, would be confusing.
  2. If the selected text is not visible, or the user just doesn’t notice, Command-clicking will cause nothing to apparently happen. I can see the bug reports now.

There’s even a case in which there is no selection and a Command-click should not trigger ICeCoffEE. When some users, such as my mother, use the Command key to perform discontiguous selection in lists, or select multiple icons with the Shift key in the Finder, they hold down the modifier key before selecting the first item or range. There is no difference between a modified and unmodified selection at that point, but with ICeCoffEE implementing the above behavior, the wrong thing would happen in the user’s eyes.

Another possibility: Always trigger on a Command-click which is not followed by a second click, incorporating a delay similar to the Finder’s file renaming delay. Try it: double-click on an icon’s name in the Finder. Did you click fast enough to open it, or did the name select itself for renaming? Conversely, try clicking once on the name, and note the time it takes for the rename field to appear. Would you mind that delay in ICeCoffEE for URL launching?

Or… can you think of a better way to distinguish between discontiguous selections and ICeCoffEE invocations?

The alpha version of ICeCoffEE I’ll release tomorrow employs a very simple test: if there’s any text selected, the Command-click is processed as a URL launch; if there isn’t, it gets passed through, and used for selection. This is not a good solution, as discussed above, but it’s working for now.

Assuming your eyes haven’t glazed over yet, your thoughts are appreciated.

NetNewsWire 2.0 released

NetNewsWire 2.0 is out. It’s been a long road—1.1d1 came out on August 26, 2003—but Brent and Sheila have created an exceptional, functional, elegant and high-quality product, and their relationship with their users is unparalleled. There are few other products I take hours of my time to write suggestions about, knowing they will be carefully considered and often implemented. Congratulations!

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