Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Maintaining Kerberos and AFS credentials in Screen
If you use a persistent screen session on a machine running OpenAFS, you’ve likely experienced long delays and confusion when your tickets and tokens expire.
The Screen and Kerberos patches will create a credentials cache for your screen session and automatically renew tickets. That’s a start, but your tokens still expire.
A relatively simple modification simply runs aklog after renewing your tickets. The patch for this is here; Debian packages for acm-screen, incorporating Kerberos and AFS patches, are here.
However, this still leaves a problem when your tickets exceed their renewable lifetime. For that, I wrote a zsh function which wraps screen and re-kinit/aklogs if there is less than a day remaining before they expire for good.
screen() { # note: this breaks if you have >1 screen session cc=(/tmp/krb5cc_scr_$(id -u)_*(N[1])) [[ -n $cc ]] && (( ${#@} )) && { local princ=$(klist -5 $cc | awk '/Default principal:/ { print $3 }') [[ -n $princ ]] && { local expiry zmodload zsh/datetime strftime -r -s expiry '%D %X' \ "$(klist -5 $cc | awk '/krbtgt/ { getline ; print $3 " " $4 ; exit }')" (( expiry - EPOCHSECONDS < 86400 )) && { kinit -r7d -c $cc $princ && screen -X screen aklog || return 1 } } } =screen $@ }