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Busy; Evening at Adler

Yes, I’m still alive. Between research (paper #2 got accepted, and I’m presenting it at HPCA in February; currently revising paper for publication, and incredibly excited about getting back to my current project), the class I’m TAing this semester (advanced introduction to operating systems, being offered for the first time with Linux kernel programming assignments), and other miscellaneous duties, I haven’t had a lot of free time. I did finally get to see Serenity at the Lorraine last weekend, and have been watching some anime (Honey and Clover is phenomenal), but that’s been about it for fun.

I’ll be in rhe Chicago area this Friday, Saturday and most of Sunday, ostensibly for a cool-sounding Mac event but also to meet a bunch of friends and acquaintances who are flying in for the occasion. Despite my proximity to Chicago I’ve only been there about once a year since moving to Illinois.

Some of that time I’ll be working, but if anyone wants to get together for a meal or just to hang out, let me know (leave a comment or email me).