Monday, 16 June 2003
I'm glad I'm not the only one suffering from severe allergies at the moment. Steven Frank writes about it as well. Friday I was quite sick and slept all day (unfortunately missing my only opportunity to meet with my advisor in a month); this weekend was a total write-off for me. Today has been a little better; I'm just leaving for Kuk Sool now, which should ensure I'll stay awake and focused this evening.
Less than two days from now I'll be leaving for MacHack. I'm looking forward to it; hopefully my allergies will be better by then. If anyone reading this sees me there, please say hi. There are six of us MacWarriors coming this year. In no particular order, they are Ellick, John, Josh, Ben, Frank, and me. Frank is leaving from St. Louis, Ellick will arrive a day late, and the rest of us are departing from Champaign on Wednesday.
I don't have any good hack ideas yet, other than some from last year which I passed over as too time-consuming. Guess I've got some time in the car to think it over…