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Posted some VIMim screenshots. The code, such as it is, is on the MacHack CD. It doesn't work very well, to say the least.

Found another Radio user at MacHack, Mike Cohen.

Our hack was VIMim, embedding VIM as an input method into Mac OS X. We finished it about 3:00 this morning…

Radio users find each other: Ryan Wilcox saw me using Radio at MacHack and said hi. He's got some notes on last night's keynote, done with Dave's slide show tool.

Well, Tim O'Reilly did show up, to bagpipe accompaniment. I might have to do something about this :-)

Sitting in the audience at MacHack now. No, I'm not blogging Tim O'Reilly's keynote, assuming he shows up, I'm too exhausted to be coherent (been up most of the past two days, perhaps three hours of sleep).

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