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*** BinaryBob is now known as StarWolf
<StarWolf> ackbar
<StarWolf> n/m
<ackbar> yes dear
*** CTCP PING from ackbar to #uiuc.test: 1019346947 886825
<sabi> yes, we're still here.
<sabi> :)
<dlpeters> hrm sabi?
<ackbar> dlpeters: i'll explain it when you're older
<sabi> rofl.

Nothing more needed, I think.

As a followup to my post on WhatSize a few days ago, Jay Tamboli suggests xdiskusage. It requires fltk (installable with Fink) and X11, but works very nicely. Here's what the output looks like for my root partition.

If you live in the area and listen, WILL needs your help. I wrote about WILL a few days ago here, and the folks at WILL mentioned on the radio today that they had lost $250,000 in federal funding this year (!) and it's up to us listeners to make up (and vote out those politicians who do things like that next election period…). WILL has been around for 80 years, and was the first university FM station to be licensed in the USA.

I sent in my check last week.

Project Builder 2.0 looks to have some really useful, and dramatic, changes. PBX has come a long way from its initial crashy, underfeatured, inflexible state. I hope it continues to evolve, instead of falling into the limbo that trapped other Apple developer tools such as MPW, MacApp, and MacsBug for so long before they were finally dropped.

I realized last night that the primary purpose of my Instant Outline was for me to keep a time-based to-do list as an outline. Many other outliners provide checkbox options, so why not Radio?

Release coming soon.

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