Wednesday, 6 March 2002
Another in a series picture of…uh, interesting Mac OS X messages. Not only did the OS X Finder stop you from being able to press return to dismiss “are you sure?” messages, it presents one per item, and sometimes you can't even read that.
Some Mozilla presentations have been posted; I hadn't seen references to them before. See pavlov (Stuart Parmenter) talking about libpr0n [QuickTime] or dp (Suresh Duddi) talking about performance [Real].
Hm, it seems Adam Vandenberg has settled on a car. Me, I would just be very happy if this proposal wrote itself. But back to work, for the meeting in the morning.
Tuesday, 5 March 2002
A modified version of my Mac OS X Emacs-launching script which doesn't assume a certain amount of time it takes Emacs to start up; this one waits and tries again every second.
if [[ ! -z $TERM_PROGRAM ]] { e() { ( emacsclient -n $@ >&/dev/null && \ osascript -e 'tell application "Emacs" to activate' ) || \ ( open -a Emacs && \ until { emacsclient -n $@ >&/dev/null } do sleep 1; done ) } }
I wish grep handled Mac line-endings, OTOH, I'm very happy BBEdit's multi-file search does.