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A modified version of my Mac OS X Emacs-launching script which doesn't assume a certain amount of time it takes Emacs to start up; this one waits and tries again every second.

if [[ ! -z $TERM_PROGRAM ]] {
  e() {
    ( emacsclient -n $@ >&/dev/null && \
      osascript -e 'tell application "Emacs" to activate' ) || \
    ( open -a Emacs && \
      until { emacsclient -n $@ >&/dev/null } do sleep 1; done )

I wish grep handled Mac line-endings, OTOH, I'm very happy BBEdit's multi-file search does.

Thanks for the notes, folks, I slept a lot last night and am much better able to work (excepting the bruises :-) today.