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Hey, I have a keyboard that works now! Finished, packaging.

Discovered I can do development hacking iJect without rebooting. Currently porting my Mac OS 9 USB keyboard remapping driver (which I see from the modification dates on the file I wrote 2/18/01…about a year ago. Interesting.)

I am so, so exhausted. And I can't sleep all day either, I've got
more things due today.

Went to the Union for lunch, by myself because our group meeting went
over time so my usual Wednesday lunch companion had to run off to

I think the folks felt sorry for me the way I looked, they gave me a
huge helping of food. And it was good, too, I managed to get the rice
noodles (strangely unpopular, but I really like them) right after they
were cooked, so they were nice and hot.

Now I'm sitting in the Union computer lab, typing on a blueberry iMac
DV and trying to figure out if I hvae the stamina to stagger home into
bed for a few hours.

It'll all be over soon… :-)

QuickTime Streaming Server 4 is free, and has a terrific, easy-to-use interface (and even great online help, very unlike Apple recently, but much appreciated!). I was really up and running in 5 minutes with my own MP3 streaming station.

Now all I want is to be able to easily export an iTunes playlist to QTSS. The file format is very simple, it should be a half-hour AppleScript project (but not tonight!)

Not much interesting happened today, I wrote a lot.

I hope Apple gets the MPEGLA to see its point of view on MPEG-4 licensing issues, the improvements (especially QuickTime Broadcaster) sound really useful.

Didn't realize there was a newer version of the theme which I started from. I pulled a few items from it into this version, in particular the XML coffee cup and permalink icons.

Tried out RadioService but I couldn't get it to work. No time to troubleshoot tonight.

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