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Spent the morning shopping and doing laundry, and now I have a headache. Again.
Sigh. Off to bed for a while I guess.

I've often wanted to have the contents of the Radio menu more accessible, so I wrote a short script that includes it in the dock menu. For Radio users, here's what to do. [Update: link fixed, sorry, thanks Jim.]

Malloc debugging advice requested: Chris Kane from Apple has some great tips on how to debug memory errors on Mac OS X. If I get a few minutes this weekend (shoulder-deep in cooking, cleaning, shopping, laundry, washing car, etc. today), I'll use it to work on ICeCoffEE/…

Didn't look at the below very carefully when I posted it. Seems Radio needs to do some sanity checking on dates :-)

Readng this Mozilla bug report
was certainly enlightening.

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