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Sample post

Python [Show Plain Code]:

(the above brought to you courtesy of Syntax Highlighting with Enscript in WordPress Jay Tuley’s SyntHihol plugin).

2 comments on “Sample post”

  1. 29 July 2005 | 9:48 PM

    This is a sample comment. Whoa, live preview rocks. It’s just like MarsEdit.

  2. 29 July 2005 | 9:49 PM

    Actually, it’s better than MarsEdit, it updates even faster. Actually I bet with some of the new WebKit stuff MarsEdit will be able to use JavaScript to speed up the preview from what happens now… *drool*

    (Of course there is WYSIWYG editing too; there was a plugin for that, but since Safari doesn’t support it, I’ve decided to skip for now.)

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